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Registration Instructions 

Sign-up Instructions for Customer Zone:

*New Customer Zone accounts are now setup online by each dealer.

1. Click on the “Registered Here” link underneath the password box.

2. Enter the correct information in the appropriate boxes on the register Page (Make sure all the boxes with an *asterisk are filled in).

3. All customer account numbers are now 9 digits. The customer account number will start with C20xxxxxx. Your company will have received a notification of your new account number.

4. Select the appropriate boxes for the access requested at the bottom of the page.

5. The new account’s Username will be the email address registered. Each user must have his or her own email address.

6. Once the request has been submitted, Clarke will send three emails back to the requesting email address
  a) confirming that access to Customer Zone was requested
  b) confirming that this request has been submitted to Clarke for approval
  c) providing access to setup the user’s password.

Please call Customer Service if you have questions @ 800-668-8400

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